
  • Student’s learning experience is enhanced via flexible approaches to learning, teaching, and assessment, developed to meet the needs of students.
  • View progress at any time.
  • Tailored to fit all learning styles, interests, and needs of students and families. 
  • Lessons enhanced by graphics and multimedia pictures.
  • Virtual courses allow students to study at a time and location that suits them.
  • Our Courseware has shown improvement in student motivation and engagement, development of higher learning styles, and increased independent learning skills.  
  • Responsibility for learning placed with the student – an essential ingredient for lifelong learning.
  • Integrated feedback tools provide increased learning opportunities, build learning skills, and enhance student’s ability to think critically.  
  • Our program provides opportunities for students who may have fallen behind.
  • Individualize elements of Virtual Learning ensures students do not fall through the cracks amidst a crowd of students.  
  • Students have more control over how and when they work.
  • Students find the work “easier and quicker to do,” despite the fact it is the same work they previously did with pen and paper.  
  • Students like the fact that they cannot forget to bring their work in, or lose it.
  • User-friendly, comprehensive, and equitable access to high-quality Virtual Curriculum for students who need it most.